
Purple Ribbon Award

We congratulate our co-founder Susanne Shepherd Post on being named 2023 Volunteer of the Year by @domesticshelters and the Purple Ribbon Awards. We’re honored to have Susanne join the incredible group of passionate leaders and programs in the US & Canada in the effort to end domestic violence. Learn more here.

Meet us at the Bridge Survivor of the Year

The Outstanding Survivor award, was awarded to our co-founder Susanne Shepherd Post in October 2022. The Nashville Coalition Against Domestic Violence hosted the 18th Meet Us at the Bridge to mark the beginning Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We remembered those who lost their lives to domestic abuse and recognize individuals and organizations dedicated to ending domestic violence. 

Mary Catherine Strobel Volunteer Award

Hands on Nashville – Capacity Building Volunteer Award Recipient – May 2022

The Mary Catherine Strobel Volunteer Awards recognize Middle Tennessee volunteers who give their time and talents to improve the community.